HERDSA collage

Virtually Connecting Goes to HERDSA 2016

July 6, 2016 Yin Wah Kreher 0

Note: I had fun writing this post with Wendy Taleo, who hosted the Virtually Connecting session.   A ping from Wendy Taleo drew me out of my teaching-grading cave to the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) conference this Wednesday, July 6, also a Hari Raya Puasa public holiday in Singapore. Though … [Read more…]

In Perth Again, Virtually: ASCILITE 2015

December 2, 2015 Yin Wah Kreher 0

The last time I was physically present in Perth, Australia, was an angsty period in my life. It was the one and only time that I had permed my hair (see pic below). Today, I encountered Perth again — virtually! Through the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education Conference (#ASCILITE2015). [Note: Transcript is on […]

Hanging Out, VConnecting at EDUCAUSE 2015

November 6, 2015 Alan Levine 0

EDUCAUSE. The Big One.
I’ve not been to the Big EDUCAUSE since 2004, in Denver. Back then I had more hair, less weight, a clunkier laptop, a blog only 1 year old. They were heady times. My visual memories are the massive main auditorium, having t…