We Are @vconnecting at #EDEN17
We’re excited to be Virtually Connecting at the EDEN Annual Conference (#eden17), hosted by the Jönköping University, Sweden. The theme of the conference this year […]
We’re excited to be Virtually Connecting at the EDEN Annual Conference (#eden17), hosted by the Jönköping University, Sweden. The theme of the conference this year […]
All it takes is alarm clocks and coffee. No, alarm clocks, coffee, and a relatively small group of interesting, geographically dispersed people. And some google hangouts. And now a Slack with snarky bots.
Last week the geometrically growing Virtually C…
We are excited to be virtually connecting at The Association of Learning Technology Conference (#altc) in Manchester, UK from September 8-10, 2015, not least because virtually […]
We are excited to be virtually connecting at The Association of Learning Technology Conference (#altc) in Manchester, UK from September 8-10, 2015, not least because virtually […]