We will be joining this year’s OER conference coming from Galway, Ireland where the focus is on Recentering Open: Critical and global perspectives. We hope to facilitate critical discussion of Open including asking difficult questions about open education:
- Why open?
- Open for whom?
- Whose interests are served?
- In what ways has the open agenda been appropriated, and what are the implications of this?
- The geopolitics of open education, bringing open in from the periphery
- The open ecosystem: How is open education part of the broader ecosystem of “opens”?
- What does it mean to illuminate open by considering context?
- How can historical perspectives contribute to understanding the issues faced in the open education movement today?
- Links between critical digital literacies, critical data literacies, and openness
- What open business models are emerging? What are the paths to sustainability?
- What are the risks and challenges to the open education agenda?
Sunday 7th April: a pre-conference meet-up with onsite buddy Martin Weller @mweller and onsite guests from GO-GN Jenni Hayman @jennihayman Regina Gong @drgong Jamison Miller @MillerJamison Debbie Baff @debbaff and Sarah Lambert @sarahlambertoz
During the conference:
Wed 10th April: Whitney Kilgore @whitneykilgore and Helen Crump @crumphelen are onsite with Mary Loftus @marloft and Kate Bowles @kateMfD
Wed 10th April: Jim Luke @econproph and Kate Malloy @hey_km will be onsite to introduce us to the @femedtech open practitioners Lorna Campbell @lornamcampbell and Frances Bell @francesbell
Thursday 11th April: Our onsite buddies will be Jenni Hayman @jennihayman and Karen Cangialosi @karencang connecting us to the keynote panelists Taskeen Adam @taskeeners Caroline Kuhn @carolak and Judith Pete @judyphale
Thursday 11th April: Onsite buddy Sheila MacNeill @sheilmcn and her guests Su-Ming Khoo @sumingkhoo Suzan Koseoglu @suzankoseoglu and Deb Baff @debbaff will be connected with Virtually Connecting powerhouse Maha Bali @Bali_Maha
We invite your participation. To join a session please fill in this form or tweet to @virtuallyconnecting
Hybrid workshops open to virtual participants (not VC sessions)
1. Open Education as Social Justice Writing Workshop: Wednesday April 10 at 2.25 Galway time.
Wednesday 10th April 2.25pm – 3.25pm: Interested in writing a paper on Open Education as Social Justice? Come to our writing workshop (onsite or online) and toss around some ideas for your writing. You might be interested in an upcoming special edition of a journal devoted to Open Education as Social Justice. More information about the workshop and the special edition can be found here. Please register online so we know who to expect at the virtual vs onsite session, and can keep in touch with potential writers. Maha Bali @Bali_Maha will facilitate a virtual session parallel to the onsite event with Sarah Lambert @sarahlambertoz and Laura Czerniewicz @Czernie.
2. Can We Decolonize OER/Open? Thursday, April 11 at 1600 Galway time
Check out the hybrid session which will be run by Tannis Morgan @tanbob, Maha Bali (virtual), Cheryl Hogkinson-Williams (@cherylHW) and Taskeen Adam (@taskeeners): find out more about the topic on this blogpost. The session description is here and you can sign up by tweeting to @bali_maha.
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