HERDSA collage

Virtually Connecting Goes to HERDSA 2016

July 6, 2016 Yin Wah Kreher 0

Note: I had fun writing this post with Wendy Taleo, who hosted the Virtually Connecting session.   A ping from Wendy Taleo drew me out of my teaching-grading cave to the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) conference this Wednesday, July 6, also a Hari Raya Puasa public holiday in Singapore. Though … [Read more…]

In Perth Again, Virtually: ASCILITE 2015

December 2, 2015 Yin Wah Kreher 0

The last time I was physically present in Perth, Australia, was an angsty period in my life. It was the one and only time that I had permed my hair (see pic below). Today, I encountered Perth again — virtually! Through the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education Conference (#ASCILITE2015). [Note: Transcript is on […]

Hanging Out, VConnecting at EDUCAUSE 2015

November 6, 2015 Alan Levine 0

EDUCAUSE. The Big One.
I’ve not been to the Big EDUCAUSE since 2004, in Denver. Back then I had more hair, less weight, a clunkier laptop, a blog only 1 year old. They were heady times. My visual memories are the massive main auditorium, having t…

The agency of space and devices

October 18, 2015 Rebecca - @rjhogue 1

This is perhaps one of what I hope to be many reflections on my experiences at the #dlrn15 conference – actually, this is more of a reflection on Virtually Connecting in general – in part on how it has evolved but also on a few things we have learned over the last seven months. First…

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Refining the Virtually Connecting Site

October 1, 2015 Alan Levine 1

The small project started by Maha Bali and Rebecca Hogue is growing as more people get involved with bridging educational conferences with people who cannot attend in person.
We have an active Slack (funny words together), and plans in motion for at l…

@vconnecting and connecting at ALT-C

September 10, 2015 Rebecca - @rjhogue 0

Over the last couple of days I’ve been onsite at the ALT-C conference in Manchester UK. This is a rather large conference (over 500 participants), mostly educational technologists in the UK. As with any large conference, there are cliques, which are great if you are in them, and not so great if you are not.…

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