We are @vconnecting w @EricStoller @SueBecks from #SocMedHE15

We are planning a Virtually Connecting session from the Social Media in Higher Education inaugural conference on Friday December 18th at 10.30am GMT (to be confirmed)
We will be connecting with keynote speaker Eric Stoller (@EricStoller) and conference co-organizer (and virtually connecting buddy) Sue Becks (@SueBecks). The theme of the conference is “Finding our social identity”. The keynote address will (hopefully) be streamed, and we will be meeting Eric shortly after.

More about Eric Stoller (from the conference website):

Eric is a higher education thought-leader, consultant, writer, and speaker. He has given numerous presentations on social media, digital identity, career development, leadership, and technology at multiple higher education events in the UK and US. Eric will challenge and inspire us to review the disruptive nature of social media, the opportunities for extending our networks for learning, and how we as universities, academics, administrators and students respond to the social age.

Eric’s website is http://ericstoller.com and he is also the Student Affairs and Technology blogger for Inside Higher Ed.

To participate in the hangout, tweet to @vconnecting or virtual buddy @Bali_maha or leave a comment below.

To watch live of recorded, we have embedded the video here:


    • that’s awesome Mira – would love to see you again. Get in touch with Sue Becks to know the location and looking forward to seeing you again – maybe also hearing your audience reaction to Eric’s keynote. Are you presenting as well? Would love to hear what you’re up to at the conf as well 🙂

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  1. Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference #SocMedHe15 – A brief snapshot (more to follow) | Social Media for Learning

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